Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Salmon and other fish

Most kinds of fish are loaded with B vitamins, particularly the renowned stress fighters B6 and B12. In fact, B12 is one of the most important vitamins in terms of serotonin production; a vitamin B12 deficiency can even lead to depression. Omega-3 fatty acids are prevalent in salmon (Alaskan wild is the best; farm-raised is the least desirable) and tuna — even the canned stuff. Grill or pan-roast fish, and serve on a bed of leafy greens with a side of lentils and carrots for a true power meal. Or, toss rinsed and drained water-packed white albacore tuna with a tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil and a teaspoon of drained capers and serve on a bed of salad greens. You'll be doing swimmingly after meals like those!

How to Save: Canned salmon and wild Alaskan tuna are great buys, especially when they go on sale. They last almost indefinitely in your pantry.

Lean beef

Surprised this is on the list after hearing admonitions from experts about avoiding the red stuff? Don't be. Beef is a substantial stress buster. It's loaded with zinc, iron, and B vitamins (not to mention protein), all known for keeping us calm and happy. It is also satiating, meaning you feel fuller longer (hunger pangs can cause irritability and anxiety). Avoid fatty cuts, and stick to lean cuts like flank and skirt steak, and 95 percent lean ground beef. Or, look for cuts marked "round" or "loin," such as top sirloin, bottom round (great for pot roast), and tenderloin — they are the kindest cuts in terms of fat content. And limit your intake to 4 to 6 ounces when you do enjoy it.

How to Save: Meat can be pricey, but luckily the leanest cuts are also the least expensive. Supermarkets have weekly specials on cuts like London broil (perfect for quick grilling or slow pot roasting) and bottom round. If you have room in the freezer, unwrap the meat and rewrap it in freezer paper or wax paper, then place it in a freezer bag to reduce the chance of freezer burn.

Leafy greens

Spinach, kale, dandelion greens, turnip tops, and Swiss chard — they're all amazing foods that provide iron plus lots of vitamin C, both good for strong bones, teeth, and hair, and vitamin A and magnesium, both of which are excellent at helping you maintain calm. Sauté one or more type of greens with lemon or orange juice and garlic, or purée with a little low-sodium chicken or veggie broth and white beans for a satisfying soup.

How to Save: Fresh, loose greens are generally less expensive than washed and bagged. Frozen spinach is a fabulous bargain. Stock up when it's on sale and store in the freezer for up to three months.


Dark chocolate (at least 75 percent cocoa; 85 percent is best) is not only a stress reducer — who doesn't love a piece of chocolate? — but it is heart-healthy, too! One study, conducted by researchers at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania, showed that eating 6 ounces of dark chocolate a day lowered bad cholesterol. And that's not all. Another researcher found that cocoa contains phenols — antiseptic, anti-inflammatory compounds that reduce your risk of heart disease by keeping fat-like substances from oxidizing in the blood and clogging your arteries. Do you really need a serving suggestion for chocolate?

How to Save: After-holiday sales are one way to find good buys on this good-for-you confection.


Broccoli is packed with B vitamins and folic acid, which has been shown to help relieve stress, anxiety, panic, and even depression. Steam broccoli in the microwave (rinse and chop it, place it in a glass or other nonreactive bowl, and cover it with a damp paper towel, not plastic wrap) for a few minutes for optimal nutrition. Add a squeeze of lemon juice, a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil, and, if you dare, a sprinkle of red pepper flakes for punch, and you've got yourself a sublime yet simple side dish.

How to Save: Fresh stalks are available all year round, and you can stock up on broccoli when it is on sale. Just blanch in boiled, salted water for 3 to 4 minutes, then freeze for up to two months.


Almost all fruit is good for you — cherries, strawberries, mangos, peaches — yum! But these blue-hued beauties work overtime to provide you with antioxidants and vitamin C, both potent stress busters. They're low in calories and sugar, so you can snack on them to your heart's content without an ounce of guilt (or fat). Blueberries are also a good source of fiber, which can help relieve the cramps and constipation that can occur when you're stressed out. Pile 'em on cereal, eat them fresh from the basket, or blend them with some plain yogurt, a banana, and some ice for a fabulous smoothie.

How to Save: Summertime is berry time; otherwise frozen berries are a better bargain in winter (and may be fresher than imported berries that have traveled many miles to get to your store).


These versatile legumes contain more protein than any other plant food — just one cup provides a quarter of what we need each day. They also provide heart-healthy and stress-busting B vitamins, iron, and all-important calcium. Plus, they are considered "nature's scrub brush" because one serving's 15 grams of fiber goes through the intestines and sops cholesterol and takes it away (you know where). Use beans in soups and stews or create a vegetarian chili with kidney beans, tomatoes, carrots, celery, and a little bit of hot pepper. Puree a rinsed and drained can of white beans with two tablespoons of olive oil, a small clove of garlic, and salt and pepper for a Mediterranean-style veggie dip.

How to Save: Stock up on canned beans when they are on sale; dried beans are always less expensive than canned but take longer to soak and cook.


Asparagus contains heart-healthy anti-inflammatory nutrients like folate and vitamins C and D. It is also low in calories and quick cooking. Sauté it with sugar snap peas and toss with whole wheat pasta, olive oil, lemon juice, and a bit of freshly grated Parmesan cheese and pepper for a meatless meal fit for a (very healthy) king or queen.

How to Save: Buy it fresh during spring and early summer, when local crops are harvested. Canned asparagus lose something in translation, so they are best left on the shelf, but frozen make a passable substitute for the fresh stuff.


Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin E, magnesium, and zinc all help to make a handful (about 1/4 cup a day) of crunchy almonds good for your heart and your mood. B vitamins and magnesium help produce serotonin, which helps regulate mood. Zinc has also been shown to fight some negative effects of stress, while vitamin E is an antioxidant that destroys the free radicals related to stress and heart disease. They're the perfect snack — so much better than a bag of chips. Or, add some slivered beauties to your morning oatmeal.

How to Save: Buy roasted and unsalted almonds from a bulk bin, and get just what you need at a lower per-pound price than packaged nuts.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mothers of Twins Live Longer

Frequently people express sympathy towards mothers of twins due to the extreme amount of work they’re presented with but now it seems having twins may actually be a benefit when it comes to long term health and overall life expectancy.
The study was conducted using a variety of mothers who had given birth to individual children or twins and the results were quite solid according to doctors. Mothers who had given birth to twins were in fact significantly likely to live longer, healthier lives for a variety of reasons.
research team says they originally did not believe the results but through extensive investigation they were able to confirm that the results were correct. Mothers who gave birth to twins were consistently living longer lives.
The reasoning behind this is twofold according to doctors. The most obvious reason for longer lives is that mothers of twins were generally physically and mentally stronger due to the trouble of raising two children at one time. Mothers of twins are reportedly genetically and biologically stronger as well according to researchers which would explain why mothers of twins see a benefit from having twins even decades after their twins have grown. Astonishingly doctors think it may actually be possible to recreate the biological chemical that makes mothers of twins so much stronger and eventually turn it into some sort of commercial available medicine; though at this time much more research is needed before anything like this could be possible.

News Freak of Malaria & DNA

Deadly Mosquito

Scientists are on the edge of a scientific breakthrough that could combat and possibly eliminate forever the dreaded disease known as malaria. They are closer than ever to being able to alter the DNA of wild mosquitoes within a laboratory setting.
According to a recent report published in Nature,by spreading the right gene developed in a laboratory from several mosquitoes and applying it to a few subsequent generations, researchers have reason to believe they can significantly decrease the incidence of malaria. This comes with the creation of a strain of malaria-resistant mosquitoes. Techniques include introducing these new genes that act as disruptors in the malaria parasite’s development.

The study is well respected and considered “a major step forward” by other researchers in the field. Malaria is estimated to claim the lives of one million people annually.
Although the research is very promising, one major problem remains.  How will they get those genes to spread from the malaria-resistant generation of mosquitoes into the masses of wild insects all over the world? Scientists at Imperial College London and the University of Washington, in Seattle, believe a workable solution is within reach.
Biologically speaking, the gene creates an enzyme, which bisects the DNA. The repair machinery within the cell repairs the cut by utilizing the new gene as a template. The repair technique works in such a way as to insure that all the sperm produced by a male mosquito carries the new gene (homing endonuclease). The gene is thereby copied for future insect generations promising a future world without malaria, which is largely preventable and curable.
Thanks to scientists, a healthier world waits in the wings, free from another devastating disease.

Teen Discovers Possible Cystic Fibrosis Treatment

Teen Discovers Possible Cystic Fibrosis Treatment
16 year old Marshall Zhang has found a promising treatment for the genetic disease Cystic Fibrosis and won top wards for his work.
On May 10th Zhang received 1st place in the 2011 Sanofi-Aventis BIOTalent Challenge. This award is given every year to the student who places first in the contest by conducting their own research with their mentors.

He used the Canadian SCINet supercomputing network to test two possible drugs that will treat Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease that causes thick sticky mucus to collect in the lungs and other places.  Most that are born with it die before they reach their teens. It can be fatal and as of now there is no cure. It occurs most often in white people of North European ancestry.
Zhang took two compounds and tested them in the supercomputing network with promising results. He has high hopes for the future after testing them on two living cells. Of course the results on humans could be negative but he thinks it’s promising that he can be of some help in helping with this awful disease.